Procjena krvarenja

Dobro došli u našu procjenu krvarenja

Nije uvijek lako otkriti krvarite li previše. Ovaj test je razvijen kako bi vama i vašem liječniku pomogao da otkrijete je li vaše krvarenje normalno ili ne.

Upitnik se temelji na znanstveno potvrđenom alatu koji su prilagodili profesor Corrales i profesor Erik Berntorp1,2.


MOLIM ZABILJEŽITE: Upitnik se temelji na znanstveno potvrđenom alatu koji su prilagodili profesor Corrales i profesor Erik Berntorp1,2. Može se koristiti za otkrivanje je li možda prisutan poremećaj krvarenja. Namijenjen je samo u informativne svrhe i kao podrška razgovoru s kvalificiranim, licenciranim zdravstvenim radnikom. Ni na koji način ne smije biti zamjena za profesionalni medicinski savjet i prosudbu. Trebali biste se posavjetovati sa svojim liječnikom ili zdravstvenim radnikom ako imate pitanja ili nedoumica u vezi s rezultatima ovog testa.

OSOBNI PODACI: Prije polaganja ovog testa, želimo vas upoznati sa sljedećim informacijama koje se tiču ​​vaše privatnosti:

  • Odgovori koje date u ovom testu koriste se za stvaranje ocjene rizika za von Willebrandovu bolest (VWD)
  • Podaci koje unesete u ovaj obrazac također će biti pohranjeni i korišteni od strane Octapharma AG u statističke svrhe samo u vezi s prevalencijom VWD-a, i odnosit će se samo na one podatke koji su relevantni i primjereni za ovu svrhu
  • Ni u jednom trenutku od vas neće biti zatraženo da date bilo kakve podatke koji bi vas mogli osobno identificirati
  • Korisnički ID koji unesu "posjetitelji koji se vraćaju" omogućuje samo izravno povezivanje drugog ocjenjivanja s prethodno položenim prvim ocjenjivanjem. Struktura oblika drugog ocjenjivanja identična je prvom ocjenjivanju. Korisnik se ni u jednom trenutku neće moći osobno identificirati

Za više informacija pogledajte izjavu o privatnosti podataka.

1. Kvantitativna analiza simptoma krvarenja u tipu 1 von Willebrandove bolesti: rezultati multicentrične europske studije (MCMDM-1 VWD). Tosetto A, Rodeghiero F, Castaman G, Goodeve A, Federici AB, Batlle J, et al. J Tromb Hemost. 2006.; 4: 766-73. 2. Potreba za povećanjem svijesti o von Willebrandovoj bolesti: - Globalna inicijativa za pomoć u rješavanju ovog jaza. Corrales-Medina FF, Federici AB, Srivastava A, Dougall A, Millar CM, et al. Blood Rev. 2023.; 58: 101018.

Tvoje godine *
Država/regija *
Regija *
Obiteljska povijest poremećaja krvarenja *

Je li ikome članu vaše uže obitelji* dijagnosticiran poremećaj krvarenja?

*Roditelji, braća i sestre ili djeca

Korak {{questionIndex+1}}/{{questions.length}}

Vaš rezultat krvarenja je abnormalan

To ukazuje da možda imate poremećaj krvarenja.

Tvoj rezultat


Normalni raspon: 0-3

Hvala vam što ste pristupili testu. Preporučujemo da preuzmete pismo s rezultatima i razgovarate o rezultatima sa svojim liječnikom. Postoji velika vjerojatnost da se vaše krvarenje može kontrolirati, a vaš liječnik će vam pomoći pronaći pravi tretman za vas.

Pitate li se krvare li i drugi članovi obitelji previše? Zamolite ih da polažu test

Korisni resursi
Preuzmite pismo s rezultatima

Vaš rezultat krvarenja je normalan

Ako u budućnosti budete više krvarili, ponovite test. A ako niste sigurni u svoje krvarenje, obratite se liječniku.

Tvoj rezultat


Normalni raspon: 0-3

Ovaj test pokazuje da nemate poremećaj krvarenja, ali nije zamjena za potpunu procjenu od strane obučenog zdravstvenog radnika.

User ID: {{assessmentId}}

Your bleeding score indicates that you may have a bleeding disorder. However, this test is not a replacement for a complete assessment by a trained healthcare professional, and further information would be needed to make a proper diagnosis.

Please follow the steps below to ensure a full diagnosis.

Centers recommended for following up on the results with a von Willebrand specialist near your current location.

This letter is addressed to Health Care Professionals

Dear Colleagues,

My name is Erik Berntorp and I am a Professor in Haematology and Coagulation Disorders at Lund University in Sweden. As you may be aware, von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common bleeding disorder (affecting up to 1% of the world’s population) yet is still highly underdiagnosed. Together with other colleagues we have developed the online platform, with the aim of improving the diagnosis of VWD. At the website, users can complete a simple five-minute questionnaire to evaluate whether they may have a bleeding disorder or not.

In this case, the questionnaire has indicated that the user may have a bleeding disorder. We are here to help you identifying whether this person is affected by VWD. The support we provide includes advice on VWD diagnosis from world-leading experts as well as blood and plasma sample analysis in state of the art laboratories. These services are free of charge if the procedures below are strictly followed.

I hope you will benefit from the support of the team and help us facilitating accurate VWD diagnosis.

How to proceed

- Following an abnormal bleeding test score, the individual has been asked to repeat the online bleeding questionnaire with their General Practitioner/Primary Care physician (GP/PCP). If this is you, please jump to the section “For GP/PCP” below.

- If the bleeding test results were similar when the test was repeated, the GP/PCP has been asked to refer the patient to a haematologist. If this is you, please jump to the section “For the haematologist” below.

For the GP/PCP

Please repeat the bleeding questionnaire together with your patient using the user ID (on the top right on the bleeding questionnaire results). Please don’t share more patient’s personal data than necessary for this purpose and please always adhere to the applicable data protection laws and regulations.

In case the bleeding score of your patient is 4 or above, please refer them to a haematologist. Please ensure that the haematologist is provided with the bleeding questionnaire results and informed about the purpose of this investigation.

In case the score is 3 or below, the patient does not need further investigation.

For the haematologist

Before contacting the VWD expert team, please execute the following blood tests:

  • Complete blood count
  • Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
  • Prothrombin time (PT)
  • Fibrinogen
  • Platelet function assay (PFA)

Abnormalities in the above mentioned laboratory tests, together with a clinical anamnestic patient data could give a sign for VWD. You have the possibility to contact and discuss your patient condition with our VWD expert team.

After having performed these blood tests, please contact the VWD expert team:

If you have any clinical questions about VWD, please send an email to Dr. Fernando Corrales ( if you are located in the continent of America and to Prof. Erik Berntorp ( if you are located anywhere else in the world stating your name, affiliation contact details and question(s). Please share the results from the bleeding questionnaire and blood tests.

Please don’t share more patient’s personal data than necessary for this purpose and please always adhere to the applicable data protection laws and regulations.

For a free sample analysis service (this service is not available in the United States) helping you to diagnose VWD, please send an email to Dr. Anna Pavlova ( stating your name, affiliation contact details and question(s). Please share the results from the bleeding questionnaire and blood tests.

Again, please don’t share more patient’s personal data than necessary for this purpose and please always adhere to the applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Your email will be processed by the respective VWD expert, who will reply to you shortly. If you and the VWD expert team decide that further diagnostic tests are necessary, you may be asked to submit blood and plasma samples from your patient for analysis (detailed information on how to submit the samples will be provided to you). The submitted samples will undergo several tests, which may include: von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen and activity levels, FVIII activity, VWF multimer analysis, and FVIII-binding assays. These tests will confirm or exclude whether the patient has VWD. In addition, if a VWD diagnosis is made, next-generation sequencing will be carried out to look for possible causative variations in the VWF gene.

This sample analysis service is free of charge, but only available upon explicit written request by a member of the VWD expert team. Any unsolicited sample submissions will be disregarded.

Support and advice on diagnosis and management options will continue to be available from the VWD expert team, free of charge, after the sample analysis results have been provided.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Erik Berntorp