Клинические материалы
Болезнь фон Виллебранда (БВ) является наиболее распространенным нарушением свертываемости крови, но, к сожалению, часто остается незамеченным и недиагностированным. Диагноз — сложный процесс, и как диагностика, так и лечение заболевания требуют участия разнопрофильных специалистов.1
На сайте VWDtest.com представлены полезные ресурсы и инструменты для оценки симптомов кровотечения и диагностики БВ, разработанные профессором Корралес и профессором Бернторпом. Среди них — быстрый онлайн-тест на кровотечение, который помогает оценить симптомы кровотечения, а также доступная для скачивания оценочная карта менструальных кровотечений для ваших пациенток с обильными менструальными кровотечениями.
Здесь вы найдете экспертные советы профессора Корралеса, профессора Бернторпа и их коллег о том, как лучше всего вести пациентов с БВ. Они также подготовили несколько разборов клинических случаев пациентов с недиагностированной БВ: кровотечение после удаления зуба, обильные менструальные кровотечения, легкие синяки и частые носовые кровотечения. Эти случаи иллюстрируют типичные симптомы нарушений свертываемости крови у пациентов и подходы к первичной диагностике.
Для получения дополнительной информации о БВ и глобальной информационной кампании VWDtest.com, мы рекомендуем ознакомиться с последними публикациями на эту тему.
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His mother reported a history of heavy menstrual periods and taking iron supplements for severe anaemia. The patient’s grandmother and maternal aunts also had heavy periods. The paediatrician ordered screening laboratory tests for the patient, including an activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, both of which returned normal results. A complete blood count revealed low haemoglobin (9.8 g/dL) associated with a low mean corpuscular volume at 69 fL, suggestive of iron deficiency anaemia. The patient was referred to a haematologist for further evaluation.
Due to the presence of the above bleeding symptoms and family history that were compatible with a bleeding disorder, a von Willebrand panel was ordered. The results showed low VWF activity (41%), borderline low VWF and coagulation factor VIII protein levels (50% and 52%, respectively), along with normal VWF multimer pattern and distribution. These results supported the diagnosis of mild type 1 VWD.
His mother reported a history of heavy menstrual periods and taking iron supplements for severe anaemia. The patient’s grandmother and maternal aunts also had heavy periods. The paediatrician ordered screening laboratory tests for the patient, including an activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, both of which returned normal results. A complete blood count revealed low haemoglobin (9.8 g/dL) associated with a low mean corpuscular volume at 69 fL, suggestive of iron deficiency anaemia. The patient was referred to a haematologist for further evaluation.
Due to the presence of the above bleeding symptoms and family history that were compatible with a bleeding disorder, a von Willebrand panel was ordered. The results showed low VWF activity (41%), borderline low VWF and coagulation factor VIII protein levels (50% and 52%, respectively), along with normal VWF multimer pattern and distribution. These results supported the diagnosis of mild type 1 VWD.
His mother reported a history of heavy menstrual periods and taking iron supplements for severe anaemia. The patient’s grandmother and maternal aunts also had heavy periods. The paediatrician ordered screening laboratory tests for the patient, including an activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, both of which returned normal results. A complete blood count revealed low haemoglobin (9.8 g/dL) associated with a low mean corpuscular volume at 69 fL, suggestive of iron deficiency anaemia. The patient was referred to a haematologist for further evaluation.
Due to the presence of the above bleeding symptoms and family history that were compatible with a bleeding disorder, a von Willebrand panel was ordered. The results showed low VWF activity (41%), borderline low VWF and coagulation factor VIII protein levels (50% and 52%, respectively), along with normal VWF multimer pattern and distribution. These results supported the diagnosis of mild type 1 VWD.