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Болезнь фон Виллебранда (БВ) — редкое заболевание, но до сих пор тысячи людей живут с этим состоянием во всем мире. Здесь вы можете узнать больше о БВ, просмотрев истории реальных пациентов и узнать об их опыте лечения.
Если у вас наблюдаются симптомы кровотечения, мы рекомендуем просмотреть наши полезные ресурсы, где вы найдете простые инструменты, которые помогут вам узнать больше о кровотечении. Эти инструменты включают онлайн-тест тест на кровотечение и простую в использовании загружаемую менструальную таблицу это поможет вам узнать, нормально ли ваше кровотечение или нет. Это займет всего 5 минут, но может изменить вашу жизнь!
Если вам недавно поставили диагноз БВ, возможно, вам стоит поискать контакты ближайших клиник или пациентской организации. Чтобы узнать больше о вариантах лечения, планировании семьи с БВ, операция и возможные последствия для вашего психическое здоровье, ознакомьтесь с Жизнь с БВ.
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I understand that you’re looking to get the post ID in WordPress. In WordPress, each post has a unique post ID associated with it. You can retrieve the post ID using various methods, depending on the context in which you’re working. Here are a few ways to get the post ID in WordPress:
His mother reported a history of heavy menstrual periods and taking iron supplements for severe anaemia. The patient’s grandmother and maternal aunts also had heavy periods. The paediatrician ordered screening laboratory tests for the patient, including an activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, both of which returned normal results. A complete blood count revealed low haemoglobin (9.8 g/dL) associated with a low mean corpuscular volume at 69 fL, suggestive of iron deficiency anaemia. The patient was referred to a haematologist for further evaluation.
Due to the presence of the above bleeding symptoms and family history that were compatible with a bleeding disorder, a von Willebrand panel was ordered. The results showed low VWF activity (41%), borderline low VWF and coagulation factor VIII protein levels (50% and 52%, respectively), along with normal VWF multimer pattern and distribution. These results supported the diagnosis of mild type 1 VWD.
His mother reported a history of heavy menstrual periods and taking iron supplements for severe anaemia. The patient’s grandmother and maternal aunts also had heavy periods. The paediatrician ordered screening laboratory tests for the patient, including an activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, both of which returned normal results. A complete blood count revealed low haemoglobin (9.8 g/dL) associated with a low mean corpuscular volume at 69 fL, suggestive of iron deficiency anaemia. The patient was referred to a haematologist for further evaluation.
Due to the presence of the above bleeding symptoms and family history that were compatible with a bleeding disorder, a von Willebrand panel was ordered. The results showed low VWF activity (41%), borderline low VWF and coagulation factor VIII protein levels (50% and 52%, respectively), along with normal VWF multimer pattern and distribution. These results supported the diagnosis of mild type 1 VWD.
His mother reported a history of heavy menstrual periods and taking iron supplements for severe anaemia. The patient’s grandmother and maternal aunts also had heavy periods. The paediatrician ordered screening laboratory tests for the patient, including an activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, both of which returned normal results. A complete blood count revealed low haemoglobin (9.8 g/dL) associated with a low mean corpuscular volume at 69 fL, suggestive of iron deficiency anaemia. The patient was referred to a haematologist for further evaluation.
Due to the presence of the above bleeding symptoms and family history that were compatible with a bleeding disorder, a von Willebrand panel was ordered. The results showed low VWF activity (41%), borderline low VWF and coagulation factor VIII protein levels (50% and 52%, respectively), along with normal VWF multimer pattern and distribution. These results supported the diagnosis of mild type 1 VWD.